Sunday, November 17, 2019

All Religions Cantor, Estherleon Schwartz New Film: "Tears of Stone"

All Religions Cantor Estherleon Schwartz  has championed a personal story filled with turbulence to pursue peace and unity. Her memoir book, "Tears of Stone... and my Deal with God" is now on film.

Ivor Pyres directs "Tears of Stone," exploring the life of a child Holocaust survivor who becomes a multi-faceted woman filled with life and love.

This is Pyres' directorial debut and he captures the essence of the ecumenical cantor's life story in a unique and lyrically fashion.

Cantor Estherleon at work in her office


Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
PO Box 7488, Beverly Hills, CA 90012
(323) 653-7420

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Art of Meditation with Cantor Estherleon

Wellness, Comfort, Uplift, Inner Peace, Joy 

a meditative experience  

Experience a gentle and easy way to Be...

Lift your eyes and Heart upward
Morning noon and night
A presence of Calm
now surrounds you
In stillness comes
clarity wisdom and hope
Each moment is new
Each moment is yours    
To rethink
to make new choices
Each moment is yours

Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
(323) 653-7420

Cantor Estherleon Schwartz
PO Box 7488
Beverly Hills, CA 90012

Estherleon's Story - Cantor of Peace

Estherleon speaks out about Douglas High School